Ok, I bit... The hype and controversy was too much. I had to watch the video. Hopefully I'm not alone when I say that I think I'm going to throw up. There was a part of me that wanted to post the video, but I can't and I won't. If you want to see it, its (sigh) on YouTube and there is no shortage of reaction videos. On the TCRP Media Channels, most of our conservative commentators have weighed in on it, so check it out. Chris said it best in our WELCOME video for this site: This is no longer about Republican or Democrat, it's about Good vs. Evil.
I pray that every person who spends money on those shoes and wears them proudly is brought to their knees with this thought: Jesus Christ, taking the brunt of your sin, your decision making, your middle finger to the world when he went to the cross (on your behalf) and while on that cross cried out “ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?” (My God My God Why Have You Forsaken Me?) and then taking the FULL FORCE of God's wrath for YOU.... mocked, ridiculed, died a painful and humiliating death (yes he hung there naked) so that YOUR sins would be forgiven... and your thank you in return is the newest pair of Satan Shoes and a video where the creator of those shoes, a male, giving another male, Satan, a lap dance.
It's ok if you want to barf... I almost did again typing this.
Ohhhhhh, and one more thing: Miley Cyrus, I hope you feel proud of yourself and your wokeness by defending and promoting your sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet pair of Satan Shoes....
Miley Cyrus was among the first to own Lil Nas X’s "Satan shoes," and she proudly showed them off on Instagram Sunday with the caption "Can You See Satan?"